Look for a new biweekly blog entitled " through the eyes of a country-boy" I will start publishing this new blog sometime in May if I can get all the things together by then. In the meantime you need to start thinking about sponsoring new member to our PTR site.
This new blog will focus on everyday things that come up and how this good ole Country Boy sees the way through them. If you have a problem you want to see the country boy's opinion on then send it to the support email of OzarkPaidMail. I will pass it along and we will see what he has to say about it.
Now about the state of Ozarkpaidmail, we are in need of advertisers. We have people wanting to read your ad but are running short on ads to post. If you have an affiliate site that is good or you are making some money at then make some more money by letting folks know you need more referrals. Most affiliate sites pay for a portion of what your referrals earn so why not get some more, let the other members of OPM know you are making money.
The Good Ole Country Boy, just the other day was talking bout the current stat that this country is in and he likened it to this story;
A Flower shop owner stopped in a barber shop and got a trim. when he went to pay the Barber said that he was doing community service and there was no charge for the trim. The next morning when the barber came to open his shop there was a large floral arrangement and a thank you card.
Later that day a Policeman stopped by for a haircut and when he went to pay the barber again refused the money stating that he was doing community service this week. The next morning when he went to open the shop there was a dozen donuts and pot of coffee waiting for him with a thank you note.
Later in the day US Senator stop by for a shave and a haircut, again when he went to pay the barber told him he was doing community service and the haircut and shave was no charge. The next morning when the barber arrived to open he found six US Senators lined up waiting for a free haircut and shave.
This just goes to show who has the most care for the common citizen does it not? Maybe we should elect more policemen, florists, plumbers, and carpenters to our congress and less lawyers, and accountants.
And that is what is on my mind today.
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