Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It may be scam to others......

A few days ago I was introduced to a new program just released in beta version. I joined that program and now the person that introduced me says that they are not promoting it due to it being a scam. I joined that program when I first seen it and put up a lot of links to my other money making places. I even upgraded for five bucks.
I may never see a penny from this but for sure my links will be seen by a lot of people. Here is a quot from my sponsor in this,

"Understand, you can use vinefire for what it offers.
And that is posting ads.
I am still a member but I won't list it here and I won't
promote it. Neither do I believe they have paid anyone at all
and I don't think they ever will pay anyone.
However, posting ad links may be useful.
In fact, I clicked an ad link just last night and joined something
and I may even pay for what I joined....so that did net someone
a signup and possibly a commission...simply because he/she
posted an ad."

I discovered that this program is owned by the same folks that had "wealthtoolbox" up a while back and as far as I know they never paid anyone. I may never get any money from them but $5.00 is pretty cheap advertising considering that I have more than 300 links to put out there. I'm guessing that my links are put in front of several thousand people each day that I post them and with copy and paste I can put up 100 links in a short time.