Thursday, January 14, 2010

Database cleaned

Data base cleaned today of all inactive accounts.  If your referral base went down then you had some inactive users in your downline.

I found three accounts that had joined and never came back.  The sponsor was charged back for these accounts.  If you refer someone then they need to be active for at least 30 days for you to keep the income earned from them.

It is easy to earn a goodly amount from reading the ads that people buy here even I post some of my own ads here.  Why shouldn't I help to support this site, after all I am the one paying the bills here.  I think I have most everything in order now to keep us online and ads coming for the next ten years or so.  I will keep close eye on things and correct anything I see that is not working right or that may be causing a problem.

This is your site too so if you have a suggestion that will help the longevity of it please write me at and I will look at it, if I agree with you on it I will see if it can be implemented into these scripts.  I do need your help in putting some kind of contest or something that will help us to grow a little faster.  

Our first promo will start Friday Jan 15 2010 and it goes like this;  All upgrades for Thru Feb 28 will be one half off.  There get yourself positioned to take advantage of the upgrade only features that I am hoping to get installed.  Like more ads if you are upgraded and things like that.

That's all for this update

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Terms update

Read your terms, they have changed, section on earning has been added.

It seems that some members are promoting that you don't need to do anything to earn at the site. Like just sign-up I'll do the rest type attitude.  Well that has got to stop if this site is to remain solvent.  I have enacted new terms to that effect.  your referral must be active for at least thirty days for your referral bonus to be paid to you.
If your referral becomes inactive for any reason within the first thirty days your bonus will be reversed.

There are still some folks that think they don't have to read the terms, it is your responsibility to know what you are agreeing to so read before you sign.  some of our rules here, while necessary, will turn some folks off and they will not want to be members.

I just finished running the purge program and found 90% of the inactives had never read and ad or clicked a banner.  They just signed up earned their sponsor $0.05 then never came back.  Well sponsor now you will be charged the bonus that you earned from these referrals.

I hope this will help you to understand why I had to do this but I have plans for this site to be around for several years and the only way is to run a tight ship and not take any cheating.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


here it is the 5th of January and already I am finding folks that have not read the terms or they just think they are too slick to get caught cheating.

Folks this is your site as much as mine if you sign up multiple accounts you are cheating yourself.

The weekly cleanse has been done and the folks that don't respond will be deleted Thursday.  We don't have many this time and that way when folks want a clean list to advertise too we are ready.  I am member of some ptr that have over 100,000 members when I asked one how many active he had he said all that are members.  I then ask how often he ran an inactive list and he told me he never had cause that would reduce the amount he could charge folks to advertise.  Needless to say I didn't advertise there.

We may have only 150 members but I can assure all that they are active members and they will see your ad.  I cannot promise they will buy, that is up to you, all I can promise is they will read your ad.

So for some clean advertising just let "OzarkPaidMail" be the one for you